Ignorance is Bliss, Not Really...
So yesterday, 1/20, was Trump's re-inauguration, which also happened to land on Martin Luther King Jr. Day so more salt in the wound, and one of his first Executive Orders was to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement, again. To act / behave like man made climate change due to the burning of fossil fuels isn't happening or is not having an impact is just completely irresponsible, especially coming from the President, but while he's not my monkey, we can't avoid his circus.
Besides the fact that the last 10 years have been the warmest on record dating back to 1850, and with 2023 being the warmest year ever recorded until 2024 just completed, signs are everywhere climate change is a significant problem, yet Trump and Republicans continue to pretend that isn't the case. As a middle to left leaning Independent, the ridiculousness coming from the far right is hard to comprehend.
As the ocean accounts for ~70% of the earth's surface, this is where the climate change toll is greatest, on the lifesource of our planet. "More than 90 percent of the warming that has happened on Earth over the past 50 years has occurred in the ocean. Recent studies estimate that warming of the upper oceans accounts for about 63 percent of the total increase in the amount of stored heat in the climate system from 1971 to 2010, and warming from 700 meters down to the ocean floor adds about another 30 percent."
"Less than a watt per square meter might seem like a small change, but multiplied by the surface area of the ocean (more than 360 million square kilometers), that translates into an enormous global energy imbalance. It means that while the atmosphere has been spared from the full extent of global warming for now, heat already stored in the ocean will eventually be released. That release of ocean heat would commit Earth to at least some additional warming in the future once greenhouse gas emissions stop."
At the minimum, Greenhouse gases (aka GHGs) are going to increase through at least 2030 given the actions Trump is taking when now is the time we need to be reducing them. As such, as a corporate member of 1% for the Planet and the only one of it's 6000+ global companies allocating it's 1%+ of annual revenue to aquatic, marine and freshwater, conservation education and science organizations, we fully believe now is the time to lean in and and push back on the ignorance and stupidity being put forth by the new administration.
The US population has 341+ million people, and all of us at one time or another visit the beach whether it's the ocean, a lake, pond, river or stream and > 50% of us do this with some regularity in our life. As consumers, we get to choose where we shop so for anyone inclined the protect the beaches and waterways they like to recreate at, please consider shopping at BeachNecessities.com.
Yesterday and last fall the US took a significant step backwards towards Idiocracy in our opinion. Progress is never in a straight line, but we fully believe now is the time to lean in and and push back on the ignorance and stupidity being put forth by the new administration.
Thanks for your consideration and cooperation.