Labor Day 2020
Here we are at the unofficial end of summer, Labor Day weekend, and what a summer it has been given the COVID-19 pandemic. It's been hard on many beach towns and the full impact won't be known for several months. So while we'd like to recommend everyone go spend time at their local beach this weekend, if you do, we'd also like to reinforce the need for mask wearing as well as physical and social distancing. COVID-19 is not as close to being over as it should be given how the US has (not) been managing this so if you do visit your local beach this weekend, please be considerate and make good decisions for yourself and others.
And just a quick shout out to National Beach Day which was last Sun, 8/30. To be honest, we had no idea this was a thing as someone pointed this out the day after, but we're glad to have learned about it and will be featuring this more in the coming years. And on that note, we have a Presidential election coming up in Nov20 so if you care about the beach, ocean, lakes, ponds, rivers, etc., make sure you vote for the candidate you think will best protect them.
Lastly, BeachNecessities.com's office will close from 2 pm pst on Th, 9/3, thru Mon, 9/7, reopening on Tu, 9/8, as everyone is getting a long weekend to go relax and catch their breath. Orders can be placed, but won't be dealt with until Tu, 9/8. Rest assured we will be at the beach somewhere and I personally will be on Penobscot Bay and at Popham Beach in Maine. Normally I would be in Pacific City, Manzanita and / or Astoria, Oregon, but I was made an offer I could not refuse so... And as I have spent many weekends this summer on the North Coast, time to mix things up.