Sauron, Mordor & the White Wizard
My bad for not posting regularly, a temporary excuse was my relocation from Oregon to New Hampshire in the spring, but I should have jumped back in the late spring. Well that's going to change going forward and here's the first one after the recent P…

World Environment, 6/5, & Ocean, 6/8, Days
Busy week this week with World Environment Day on Monday, 6/5, and World Ocean Day on Thursday, 6/8. While World Ocean Day we are well familiar with as we are a supporter, World Environment Day is new for us even though it has been taking place…

World Rivers Day 2022
Tomorrow, Sun, 9/25, is World Rivers Day which is a day of celebration and recognition for the world's rivers (the image used is my fav swimming hole on a river here in Oregon). Water is 70%+ of the earth's surface and of that, ~96.5% is the oc…

The Blue Economy
Over the last few years, we keep hearing about the Blue Economy so thought it made sense to unpack this a bit to bring more clarity to the concept. The Blue Economy is not new as humans have been profiting from the ocean, lakes, rivers and stre…