Spring Break 2023
WooHoo, time for Spring Break 2023! After the last 3 years, I would expect people are looking forward to a relaxing week somewhere, but here we're going to focus solely on beaches here in the US, for obvious reasons. For many folks, a tre…

Earth Day 2022 + other stuff
So here we are at Earth Day 2022 where the theme is invest in the planet. I have to be honest, I think the tag line is overly optimistic as we, humans, as a species, don't seem to grok the damage we are doing to the earth. Silly humans.&n…

50th Anniversary of Earth Day (and 38th Anniversary of the Conch Republic)
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day this Wednesday, 4/22, we're going to take a slightly different focus given we are beach and ocean oriented and the ocean makes up ~71% of the land mass of the earth's surface. When the initial Earth…

Happy 243rd Birthday (aka Happy Indepdence Day)!!!
Just a quick post to wish everyone a happy and joyous July 4th holiday, ideally at your favorite beach. No better time to be at the beach than the weekend that is widely considered the real kickoff summer in much of the country. However,…